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To perform the SteamVR Tracker Calibration, first ensure you have enabled SteamVR Full Body as the Animotive Capture System.
Follow the on-screen calibration steps closely.
First, follow the standard calibration steps.
After following these, you will need to perform some additional SteamVR Tracker specific calibration stepsโฆ
First enter your shoe size. You can switch the sizing standard between UK, EU, US Male and US Female via the Dropdown. Then adjust the slider to match your closest shoe size, and click the OK button to continue.
In the next step, place your VR hand controllers against either side of your hips, ensuring that the controllers are pointing towards one another. While doing so, stand up straight and hold either trigger button to continue.
In the final step, you will see some glowing blue feet that are positioned beneath you. Move your feet so that the tracker gizmos align with the blue feet in the same way that your real-world trackers are positioned in relation to your physical feet. When you are ready, stand up straight and hold the trigger button to continue.
At this point your calibration will complete, and you will return to the Set, ready to embody a character.
*Animotive will display a warning if any tracker becomes disconnected or loses tracking during calibration. If this is the case, you can resolve the issue by ensuring that the tracker is still turned on and connected to SteamVR and is tracking correctly. If the tracker reconnects then the Animotive warning will disappear and you can proceed with the calibration process.
**You may need to recalibrate if the placement of the tracker shifts from where it was when you originally calibrated. To recalibrate you can simply navigate to the Settings panel via the Hand Menu and click the Calibrate button.